A Way of Life!
Sunday, November 26, 2023
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Let's tell tree tale
Around a little town's corner
amid rain and breeze,
growing by the roadside
there's a tiny grove of trees
"I'm grown along the roadsides,
my leaves are nutritious and mellow.
People grow me for fodder
cattle loves me", smirks willow
"I might be deserted for being crooked
left to grow on a rock,
people shelter under my boughs
in the scorching sun and rain", prides oak
"Majestic and virile
I can't be felled to make a log,
creatures dwell in my hollow..
ecologically important I am", says hemlock
"My exudate's used as libation,
evils with my incense I repress,
associated with the Buddha
I am sacrosanct" cries cypress
"I can be sculpted on..
tender, soft and fine
sought after for furniture
I beat you all", remarks pine.
People from the municipality comes along
when the bright sun shone
with maps and axes...
an hour later, all the trees are gone!
Karma Thukten
25th of May, 2022
Sunday, September 19, 2021
Naturally Beautiful
O! Beautiful bodacious angel!
Dancing in the air,
Naturally graceful, naturally elegant,
Majestically Painted with flair.
She hasn’t done her eye lashes,
Bleached to accentuate feather colour
Or whitened her visage,
The beautiful European Roller.
She isn’t buxom,
She hasn’t worn a wig,
She dazzles with her radiance
Perched on a squishy twig.
She needs no fancy apparel
and put on some ultra high heels,
Her beauty isn’t to coax
Cockerels to pay the bills.
You don’t expend resources
To look like a tart,
You were innately glowing
Right from the start.
You’re naturally beautiful
You don’t need no beauty parlour
And if of my words, you don’t buy
Remember her, the European Roller!
Karma Thukten
19th of September, 2021
Maokhola Outpost, Gelephu
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Cloud formations- A marvel
Have you ever gazed up the sky,
Watched the cloud
And wondered what shapes
they're all about?
Sometimes you see a turtle,
Sometimes a palm tree,
And rarely army of ants
On some hunting spree.
On occasions, you see a cabbage
A carrot or a cauliflower,
The shapes keep on changing
Each passing hour.
At times there’s that hare
And the slothful sluggish snail
Racing Against the breeze
Leaving behind a teeny tiny trail.
Sometimes you see some eerie figures,
Sometimes you see some faces
Or some inconspicuous maps
Of ancient medieval places.
Some shapes are just strange
Of whose shape, you can’t relate,
Like a forlorn farmer in the field
Of oat and millet?
Sometimes you see God
Seated on a throne, our King,
For inquisitive minds in the sky
There’s always a thing.
When your days are hard,
Gaze up the skies
To see some crazy shapes
Unfolding before your eyes!!
Karma Thukten
16th of September, 2021
Maokhola Outpost, Gelephu
Monday, August 2, 2021
Place I call Home
I see no charm in the brimming river
or ecstatic tune in the thunderstorm,
nor melody in the skylark’s song,
I just miss my home.
I am exulted not by the sight of shiny gravels,
neither the winding brook with frothy foam
or the mirthful breeze that sweeps along
but the place I call home.
I don’t long for rainbows arching over the vales,
or moon poised in her silvery throne,
but a warm cuddle to my kids
Back at home.
I’d rather listen to the plates clatter
than the nightingale’s song,
deafening wail of my daughter
is melodious than its tone.
But I have an important job to do,
Safeguarding my larger home, my country,
Few months away from my little home...
Until my Nation’s pandemic-free!
Karma Thukten
2nd of August, 2021
Maokhola II Outpost
Gelephu, Sarpang.
Thursday, February 18, 2021
A Leader in my Opinion
A great leader is someone who neglects 99 of your follies and commends on 1 good work you've done. He'll never belittle subordinates, pass on condescending remarks, vilify dull minds and infact be the quintessence of inspiration, epitome of motivation and byword for success! At the end of everyday, he'll assess number of colleagues he helped make a difference! That's the Leader we need, that's the Leader a Nation needs, that's the Leader, You and I need!
Thursday, February 4, 2021
Can Money Buy Happiness??
Can money buy
Money has certainly made life convenient but we shouldn’t
confuse convenience with happiness. Money might be able to buy predisposing
factors to happiness but not happiness per se. Worth of a thing can be gauged
by the placement of value by people. Money to a toddler won’t make him happy.
Money can buy a candy that can make a kid happy but not the money itself. Now,
candy can be presented to the kid from a plethora of ways like baking,
stealing, borrowing, the kid finds pleasure in biting into the candy and not in
finding the source of its appearance. Money doesn’t make him happy but the
candy does. It’s like saying money can buy a house but not
Money is a recent development, imagine the era of
prehistoric civilization where there was no monetary concept, were our
forefathers grumpy and sad all the time without even an iota of happiness in
them? Well, if you still argue that money can indeed buy happiness, let’s
exhume a rotting carcass from a graveyard, cram a billion Ngultrums* in his
coffin and place the corpse back. Let’s return the day after and see if the
corpse’s smiling.
Happiness is not a product at a sales counter that money can
Karma Thukten
2nd of February, 2021
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Word of Wisdom
Karma Thukten
23rd of December, 2019
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Remix of Well known Saying..
Makes a person healthy, wealthy & wise.
you miss out your breakfast of tea, omelette and rice.
Is a shocking surprise.
you need paracetamol to ease your head.
Half the neighbours think you're dead.
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Monday, April 23, 2018
Damn Life!
2. Water- inundation, tsunami, drowning, ...
3. Fire- torched by house caught in fire, molten metals, volcanic eruption, electrocution...
4. Wind- storm, cyclone, hurricane, being hit by CGI sheets air-borne
You could die of food choke, sudden cardiac arrest, slain by infuriated boyfriends, alcohol, nicotines, car accidents, commission of suicide, battery, massacre, carnage, suffocation during massive stampede of humans...
Who is the true employer? Drayang workers or the Drayang Owners?
I know, this could be little sensitive but I thought it should be brought to the limelight deeming every day struggles these so called "Drayang staff" have to go through to accomplish their journey, people call life. After weary hours of dancing and consistently being shoved off when asked for money, what ever the collectibles, they have to offer 50% to the owners at the end of the month. Owners don't pay salary to the dancers, all they do is provide the young dancers the platform to perform. Some may argue that the owners take 50% off the bounty collected in lieu of business tax, rental charges, electric bills and hordes of other bills..which business entity doesn't pay up bills? considering exorbitant and unregulated prices of boozes and stuffs charged, I feel it's only fair to rev up percentile of bucks collected to the dancers who painstakingly earned or have separate allowances for the dancers from the side of owners besides 50% of "requests" gathered by the dancers. If I ain't blatantly blundered, I heard there's incorporation of "PF system" for employees in that kinda sector, is it defunct? with all these points, I come to my question of who the true employer is, owner who plunders certain percentages of monies collected? or the dancers who offers certain share of their earnings?