Who is the true employer? Drayang workers or the Drayang Owners?

I know, this could be little sensitive but I thought it should be brought to the limelight deeming every day struggles these so called "Drayang staff" have to go through to accomplish their journey, people call life. After weary hours of dancing and consistently being shoved off when asked for money, what ever the collectibles, they have to offer 50% to the owners at the end of the month. Owners don't pay salary to the dancers, all they do is provide the young dancers the platform to perform. Some may argue that the owners take 50% off the bounty collected in lieu of business tax, rental charges, electric bills and hordes of other bills..which business entity doesn't pay up bills? considering exorbitant and unregulated prices of boozes and stuffs charged, I feel it's only fair to rev up percentile of bucks collected to the dancers who painstakingly earned or have separate allowances for the dancers from the side of owners besides 50% of "requests" gathered by the dancers. If I ain't blatantly blundered, I heard there's incorporation of "PF system" for employees in that kinda sector, is it defunct? with all these points, I come to my question of who the true employer is, owner who plunders certain percentages of monies collected? or the dancers who offers certain share of their earnings?
Note: It is entirely my opinion empathizing our sisters working at the entertainment arena. I may not be cussed, please...
